hello and welcome! thank you for stopping by my rather odd cafe, please enjoy your stay! there's lot's of stories in a place like this...
o d d c a f e

Welcome to my corner of the universe!

please enjoy your stay. if you'd like to know more about the website owner, browse through some of my art, diary, or view my about page to know who i am a little more, should work!

please feel free to give my guestbook a look and a sign or chat in the chat box below if you dig my site :)

This site is viewed best on a desktop browser. Not really mobile optimized currently, so be warned! :3

I've been making websites in the name of self expression since I was probably about 12, maybe younger. Whenever piczo was a thing, I was runnning with the website builder. RIP angel-of-black-roses-12.piczo.com lmao (I honestly can't remember if the 12 was dashed or not but the idea is still the same. If you ever somehow magically saw that site, I'M SO SORRY T_T )

My tip link is in case you would like to make a direct donation to help support the site and overall my creative dreams! :) There's absolutely no pressure, because even just browsing my website is rad and I appreciate you all the same! C: //bonus points if you check out my other social links to keep up to date with whatever I'm up to!

why a cafe? cafes tend to have people come and go, visiting and returning, while doing their best to be a meeting hub and a delightful break from a busy or overwhelming day. i want this space to be close to those cozy feelings. but i am a fan of some horror as well so there's something off about this cafe...

stay rad to each other