These are some resources I think are neat and want to give proper credit to the extra fun parts of the website!
Please let me know if any links break over time! I try to stay on top of them since I use them so frequently myself.
Please email if you find anything to be broken!

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  • Website Layout/Layout Maker by
    -Link here!

  • Layouts by NeoThemes
    -Link here!

  • Layouts by REPTH
    -Link here!

  • Various Javascripts
    -Link here!

  • Pink Lace Scroll Box
    -Link here!

    *site currently 'in progress'

  • Website Neko
    -Link here!

  • Chat/Cbox
    -Link here!

  • Color Picker from an Image
    -Link here!

  • imood (fun lil mood status)
    -Link here!

  • Status Cafe (another mood/status share site)
    -Link here!

  • Cute site counters, blog, claps, and more interactive things for your website! (May need a tranlator extension to help navigate the website at times.)
    -Link here!

  • Cute site pet tamaNOTchi
    -Link here!

  • Gifypet, another site pet <3
    -Link here!