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Lore - Wandering Demon

WANDERING GHOST: __#001 - ???_________
LEVEL: ___________DEEMED NO THREAT____
CLASS: ___________BANSHEE_____________

Name: Will not state.
Age: 25.
Cause Of Death: Fire. (Severe Burns + Smoke Inhalation)
Status before death: "I decided to stay home and close my own busy business to stay close with my family and help take care of our mother.. I had someone interested in me when I did go to ton for supplies and medical help but I can't expect him to reach out to me..."
Favorite Snacks: Any sweets and candy.
Favorite Drinks: Strong tea.
Favorite Meal: Crab and rice.
Background History On File: Her family stayed in a village for many generations but their home was closer to being in the woods outside than the village, in truth. 001 Went to gather firewood for her family on an extra cold night, got distracted by the forest sounds, and with the delay in coming back to the home, it was engulfed in flames; The stove door had been left open because she expected to be quick. Distraught about her family, 001 ran inside to rest with her family.
    This spirit simply wanders. She screams at the graveyards of families and can be seen at recent family tragedies, if you look for her.

    Some call her an omen and some say she doesnt exist at all. She exists if you look for her, simple. There are many online article and forum posts debating her existence.

    There is a viral "Toobeez" video where some explorers of abandoned areas adventure through a home fire that had happened 80 years prior and took the lives of two families indide. The banshee cries are said to help any stragler spirits nearby to help find their way to the otherside.

    It is best to avoid and not interact with this spirit, there are no known defense mechanisms, but it is recommended to not find out if she really can take you to the otherside or not.

    more info to come soon